This week over at

Now for me that is a challenge within itself.
I came across this sentiment and knew immediately
what I wanted to do.
I knew it was going to be the hardest project and
to be honest wasn’t so sure I would get through it.
A layout was in order!

Photo on left: 7 years old Photo on right: 14 years old
This is Sandie Bear Mensing aka Ladybug, Boo berry, sweet girl, momma’s baby, and the list goes on. I bought Sandie in May of 1999 when my husband, at the time boyfriend, was deployed to Kosovo. Little did I know how much she would comfort and protect me over the next 14+ years. I remember the day I brought her home, she laid on the AC vent and didn’t even cover it. She saw me through 10 years of Army life, 8 deployments, my hubby being stationed in separate locations while we stayed behind, and countless field training. It became the two us and we were nearly inseparable. I couldn’t stand to leave her and out 14+ years she was away from me only 3 weeks. The years flew by and before I knew it she was 13 years old. She had been very healthy most of her years with a little arthritis flair up now and then. In February 2013, at her yearly check up I was delivered the news ….. I would be lucky if I had for another year due to age! I knew this, in the last few months her hips were starting to bother her and she was old for a fur baby, nearly 15 years old. As the months progressed her health declined, she started having seizures and no longer making it down the stairs on her own. Literally, I picked her up and carried her. I always said I would not let her suffer to save my heart from ache. So I told my husband to call the vet, that was early December. I wanted one last Christmas with her, selfish I know. So on December 31st, 2013 I carried this precious baby to the vet for the last time. My heartaches everyday from missing her, she was my child. The house is so quiet now. I say it’s funny how one fur baby could take up so much silence.
The sweetest words of condolence came from my niece:
” Aunt Lisa, she is still with you! She could never really leave you.”
I’m entering this into: Crafty Boots Challenges ~ ABC Challenge Not Just Cards Challenges ~ Anything Goes
Now it’s your turn to show us your take on